Thursday, 27 December 2012

And so here are just a few of my brothers wedding. The bottom picture is my family with of course the new family member, Raelyn!

My Brothers Wedding!

Well congratulations Samuel and Raelyn! I wish you all the best in your married life!
   Love you both very much!

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

We finally have some snow! Only abit though :( Oh well, we made Christmas cookies already and did secret people. The Christmas season is here!

Friday, 23 November 2012

And some more. :) Again, the first picture, left to right, are, Leah and Elisabeth, our sisters.

So, finally got some pictures up! The first picture is,left to right, Sara, Rebekka(me), Miriam, and our sister Laura.
This is at church on Sunday.

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Sorry, Everybody for not writing for the longest time! Well this is Rebekka writing today and I should probably catch you up on everything that's going on (and I'll try to post more often).
 Well, Sara and Jessica both have jobs now, at a photo store. I guess they like it alot. Miriam is in grade 8 and I am in grade 9. (in school)
I play the harp and Jessica plays the violin. Sara wants to play the cello, I think she plays a little bit, sometimes. :)  All of us Medium girls, play piano.
 Christmas is coming soon and the tradition is, every year, about a month before, we write our names on a paper and fold it up, then put all the names together in a container, shake it around, then Mom holds it up and each person picks out a name without looking (so as not to cheat). Everybody needs to get, whoever they picked, a gift for Christmas. This we call "Secret People." We haven't done it this year yet, but hopefully we get to it sometime.
 Also, I noticed, we don't have any pictures on here, and that, we will try to do as soon as possible!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Marineland,New Jobs

     On Monday, the three youngest medium girls, the five youngest, and Raelyn and Samuel(the second oldest and his wife-to-be),went to Marineland. Since it is Jessica writing, and because I wasn't there, I don't know anything about it. The kids really seemed to enjoy it, though, and they had a fun day. At the show, the walruses waddled in, according to Sara. :) And apparently they had beluga whales in the show, which they had never had before. The rides were liked by everyone. On one, Miriam's flip-flops flew off and the guy managing the ride had to get them back. They both flew in opposite directions.
     Well, Sara and I work now at a photo store. Our work includes printing pictures, managing the cash register, and not much else. We still have to learn more things, but it's coming.

Monday, 20 August 2012

Sara's Exam

     Sara is having an exam tomorrow for Grade 9 piano. Hopefully, everything goes well and that she will pass.

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Going to Toronto

     We are all going to Toronto today to meet some German visitors who work in the U.S.A.  We will do alot of walking and will be going to a swimming pool along the lake, the CN Tower(not all of us will be going up,though,because it is too expensive), and the Eaton Centre. Hopefully,everything will work out.

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Back to School

The end of the month is coming and soon the summer will be ended. And then back to school...

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Toronto Metro Zoo

     Yesterday we went to the Toronto Metro Zoo. The younger children enjoyed it very much and our German guest, Michael, seemed to, too. We saw African penguins(very cute!), polar bears(the baby was very playful and one of the adults was active,other than that it was too hot probably) ,and creatures that came from the Americas.

Friday, 20 July 2012

Summer Visitors and Gardening

     Well,it has been a while again and we have been very busy. We have our first visitor of the summer, who arrived on Tuesday. He seems to enjoy staying here and we are very glad about that.
     And we have lots of garden work; especially, picking potato bugs. We don't have very much rain, but hopefully it will shower alittle. Watering is now one of the daily, outdoor chores around here: trees, all sorts of plants, the grass, etc.,....

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Our Music

     This is Jessica writing and well, it has been a while since we wrote anything. We have all been taking piano lessons for quite a while and we also have(or would like to have)a second instrument. I play the violin, Sara would like to play cello, Rebekka plays harp, and Miriam is still undecided about what she would like to play. In addition to that is school and garden work(lots).
     We have or will be taking our various grades of piano exams. I just finished my exam in Grade 9 piano on Saturday and it went fairly well. The others will be taking theirs in August and December, respectively; Sara will be practicing for Grade 9,Rebekka for Grade 8,and Miriam for Grade 8,as well. I am currently practicing for a Grade 3 exam in violin.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

How the "Medium Girls" Came to Be

     I'm Jessica, and I will tell you how the Medium Girls came to be. We are from a family of 15 people and we need groups to distinguish everyone; therefore, our mother came up with the name of medium girls, because we are-as the name implies-in the middle of the family.

Medium Girls

We are the "medium girls." Our names are: Jessica, who is the oldest, 17, Sara, 15, Rebekka(me) 14 and Miriam, 12.