Thursday, 27 August 2015


     As August rolls into September, we start getting into school mode. I (Jessica) have been accepted to college for Pre-Health and have been working the last 3 months to pay for it. It is exciting, but, at the same time, worrying. Well, one day at a time.
     Sara is busy working and enjoying it. Rebekka and Miriam are searching around for some work. Hopefully, they will find something that they enjoy.
Having fun one summer night. :)

My Work (yes, I work at a farm.)

Monday, 10 August 2015

And the love of trick biking. My brother's can't get enough
 Homemade blueberry ice cream
 Homemade peach ice cream
And... :) homemade coffee chocolate ice cream!!

It's been a long time, sorry guys and gals. These photos are from the cottage we rented earlier this summer. It was amazing! So beautiful!